Tyrode's Solution (with HEPES & 0.25% BSA)

CAT#: BSS-370
  • Useful in cell and tissue culture and preservation
  • Effective in providing cells with a stable pH and osmotic balance while minimizing nonspecific binding of proteins
  • Ready-to-use solution tested for pH

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Product Description

Tyrode’s Solution with HEPES and BSA is an isotonic buffer solution that plays a crucial role in cell culture and tissue preservation. It is formulated with inorganic salts, HEPES, BSA, and a carbohydrate energy source to provide cells with essential nutrients while maintaining a stable pH and osmotic balance. The balanced composition of this buffer maintains the structural and physiological integrity of cells.


More Information
Method: Filtered through 0.22-micron filter.
Storage: -20°C
Synonym: Tyrode's
pH: 7.40 ± 0.50
QC Testing: Appearance, pH
Component NameCASMolecular WeightConcentration
Sodium Chloride 7647-14-5 58.44 135 mM
Potassium Chloride 7447-40-7 74.55 2.8 mM
Calcium Chloride Dihydrate 10035-04-8 147.01 2 mM
Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate 7791-18-6 203.3 1 mM
Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Anhydrous (Monosodium Phosphate) 7558-80-7 119.98 400 µM
Sodium Bicarbonate 144-55-8 84.01 12 mM
Dextrose 50-99-7 180.16 5.5 mM
HEPES 7365-45-9 238.3 10 mM
Bovine Serum Albumin 9048-46-8 68 kDa 0.25%
Sodium Hydroxide 1310-73-2 40 For pH Adjustment
Water 7732-18-5 18.02 Rest