Bis-Tris Transfer Buffer (20X)

CAT#: BP-193
  • Useful in electrophoresis and blotting techniques
  • Commonly used for the transfer of proteins from polyacrylamide gels to membranes
  • Ready-to-use concentrate tested for pH

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BP-177-500ml Before requesting a quote or making a purchase, please make sure you select the correct size.
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Product Description

The 20X Bis-Tris Transfer Buffer is often used to transfer proteins from Bis-Tris and Tris-Acetate gels to nitrocellulose or PVDF membranes for Western blotting. It is useful as it maintains a neutral environmental pH during transfer protocols, which is suitable for most protein types, crucial for structural preservation of proteins, and effective at minimizing protein denaturation.


More Information
Method: Filtered through 1-micron filter.
Storage: Room Temp.
pH: 7.30 ± 0.20 (1X)
QC Testing: Appearance, pH
Notes: To make 1X, dilute 20-fold with deionized water.
Component NameCASMolecular WeightConcentration
Bis-Tris 6976-37-0 209.24 500 mM
Bicine 150-25-4 163.17 500 mM
EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate 6381-92-6 372.24 20 mM
Water 7732-18-5 18.02 Rest