M9 Minimal Salts Solution

CAT#: BM-362
  • Useful in non-selective isolation of E. Coli for molecular biology studies
  • Effective in creating M9 minimal medium and for use in genetic experiments and protein expression
  • Ready-to-use solution tested for Microbial Growth

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BP-177-500ml Before requesting a quote or making a purchase, please make sure you select the correct size.
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Product Description

M9 Minimal Salts solution contains buffering agents, a nitrogen source, ions such as phosphorus and sulfur, and metal ions. It is generally supplemented with glucose, amino acids, and vitamins for preparation of M9 minimal medium, which is used for non-selective cultivation of E. coli strains for cloning, production of DNA plasmids, and production of recombinant proteins. Upon addition of appropriate antibiotics, M9 minimal media can also be used for selective cultivation of E. coli strains


More Information
Method: Filtered through 0.22-micron filter.
Storage: 2-8°C
Synonym: M9 Broth, M9 Medium, M9 Minimal
QC Testing: Appearance, No Microbial Growth
Component NameCASMolecular WeightConcentration
Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Heptahydrate 7782-85-6 268.07 1.28% (w/v)
Potassium Phosphate Monobasic Anhydrous 7778-77-0 136.09 0.3% (w/v)
Sodium Chloride 7647-14-5 58.44 0.05% (w/v)
Ammonium Chloride 12125-02-9 53.49 0.1% (w/v)
Dextrose 50-99-7 180.16 0.4% (w/v)
Magnesium Sulfate Anhydrous 7487-88-9 246.5 2 mM
Calcium Chloride, Dihydrate 10035-04-8 147.01 0.1 mM
Water 7732-18-5 18.02 Rest