Arginine-HCl Buffer (0.5 M, pH 7.0)

CAT#: BB-2505
  • Useful in cell culture, biochemistry, and molecular biology techniques
  • Effective as a pH regulator in protein research and biomolecule purification procedures
  • Ready-to-use solution, providing a buffering system within the pH range of 4.5-7.5

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Product Description

The Arginine-HCl buffer is used to maintain the pH within physiological range, which is essential for processes that demand consistent environments. It is effective in several applications including the purification and precipitation of nucleic acids, as well as in protein crystallization and gel staining during electrophoresis. The buffering capacity of an arginine buffer is influenced by its concentration, while its pH can fluctuate based on the ratio of arginine to arginine hydrochloride.


More Information
Method: Filtered through 0.22-micron filter.
Storage: 2-8°C
pH: 7.00 ± 0.20
QC Testing: Appearance, pH
Component NameCASMolecular WeightConcentration
L-Arginine Monohydrochloride / L-Arginine 1119-34-2 / 74-79-3 210.66 / 174.20 500 mM
Water 7732-18-5 18.02 Rest